
Get to know your rite of passage guide.

Hi, I’m Lisa Hunter.
I’m the founder of Free Your Menopause.

My expertise is ceremony and rite of passage, and my love is the deeper power and boldest second half of life that rite of passage activates for women in peri and post menopause.

Why do I love it? Because just think of the impact we will have on the world when more and more of us step into our deeper power to create what we’re here to create.

I am also an activator to shift cultural narratives around women, aging and menopause from derogatory to celebratory. It’s time to transmute those crusty old beliefs into the deeper truth of what this time in life is really about.

Where I’ve Been

I am 53 and nearing the end of my perimenopausal years, which means that moment of menopause (12 months without a period) will be here soon.

I’ve experienced “all the things” during this transition - gnarly physical menopause challenges, shift in caretaker roles in my family, a big geographical move of my home base, questioning and reinventing of my life direction.

It took me a long time to accept that my body was changing from simply adult woman to middle-aged woman and soon into wise woman years.

Friends would say, “I think those are perimenopause symptoms you’re experiencing” and I’d brush them off, annoyed and thinking “Yeah that’s not going to happen to me.”

Which is so funny, right? Somehow I was thinking I was not “one of those people” who would get old. But no one escapes menopause or aging! It’s just such a trip how it took my brain and soul a period of time to really get that. I will always be young at heart, but yes, my body will continue to change.

The Aha

Luckily, being a rite of passage facilitator, I realized “Oh! The menopause and midlife years are a rite of passage too!” It’s really an “in plain site” aha for someone like me, but easy to miss in a world where these years are generally viewed as a shitty time when you claw through meaningless physical torture only to be rewarded with irrelevance and invisibility.

When I recognized this time as a powerful rite of passage to get clear on who I am and what I’m creating next, and to strengthen my relationship with my body as it prepares for more metamorphosis, everything changed for the better. I am so excited to share this process with you too.

Training & Experience

I am trained as an Interspiritual Minister, which means that I believe that there are as many recipes for spirituality as there are people in the world, and my programs focus on supporting meaning making for each individual in their unique style, rather than on dogma or rigid belief systems. I graduated in 2013 from the two-year seminary program at One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York.

I first fell in love with rites of passage as a full-time wedding officiant and have facilitated over 700 couples on the journey from engagement to marriage (www.CeremoniesWithLisa.com).

My even deeper love though, is helping women to empower themselves during significant life transitions - I am a master-level Sistership Circle facilitator and have facilitated transformational rite of passage body image groups with teenage girls, women’s circles for female business owners stepping into first-time entrepreneurship, and most recently these Free Your Menopause programs.

All in all, I’ve guided over 10,000 hours of spiritual inquiry guidance, ceremony and rite of passage for the beautiful humans I’ve had the honor of working with over the years.


On a personal note, I live in Durango and Boulder, Colorado with my husband Mike, our sweet Borderdoodle Lemmy and fat cat Kitty Boo.

My love for ceremony and rite of passage is inextricably linked with my love for nature and its cycles, so when I’m not at the computer creating programs for women, I’m hiking, feeling the sun in my hair and getting my hands in the dirt :)

I also used to be a full-time performing singer-songwriter waaaay back in the 90’s. During that decade, I released five CDs, toured the country several times, had songs on the Disney and Discovery channels and won four Detroit Music Awards. Because it was back in the 90’s, there’s no digital footprint at all lol, so I recently re-released some songs from a CD called Transformation & Healing which you can find on Spotify here. When I listen back, I’m pretty amazed at how wise I was as a little squirt in my mid 20’s. There’s a lot of insight these songs that heals me to this day!

I’m so happy that you’ve found Free Your Menopause. Thanks for spending some time getting to know me. I look forward to getting to know you two, and can’t wait to do this powerful work together!

With love, Lisa