Boldest Life Initiation

Sign up for the FREE 5-Day MINI Boldest Life Initiation video series to get a taste of the program and reminders of the next start date!

If you’re in peri or post menopause and feeling a deep call to make big changes or reinvent…

Cross the threshold into your boldest, truest life.

Did you know that your perimenopause and post menopause years are a potent window for transformation?

Join in this program to:

  • Live a second half of life designed so that every single aspect of it truly turns you on.

  • Feel confident that when you’re 80 you’ll look back and feel wildly fulfilled.

  • Enjoy the power, grace and beauty that can only come with age.

Welcome to Boldest Life Initiation

Cross the threshold into your boldest, truest legacy years.

Answer The Inner Call

It’s that call from within that won’t go away and that’s telling you it’s time to make some significant, breathtaking changes as you enter the second half of your life.

Map Your Boldest, Truest Life

Stand in the deeper power that peri and post menopause awakens, then use that power to map out your desires for your most unbridled-alive legacy years.

Take Confident Action To Live It

Harness the sovereignty, fierceness and daring needed to step into this boldest chapter and really live it.

Special Preview Video Series:

Experience a mini Boldest Life Initiation for free.

A mini experience of the 12-week program, you’ll answer the call for change, claim deeper power, dissolve blocks, and take action for your wildly fulfilling 2nd half of life.

We’ll laugh, we’ll cry, we’ll have breakthroughs. If you’re considering signing up for the next 12-week program, register here for the perfect chance to dip in and see if it’s a fit!

This is an opportunity to experience…

  • Laser clarity about “who you are and what you want” during this defining time of midlife and menopause.

  • Laser clarity about what you will create in the second half of your life and the legacy you will leave…

  • The fierceness, boldness, sovereignty, presence and grace to make it happen.

  • Increased resolution and sense of peace regarding your younger years.

  • Increased excitement for the second half of your life.

  • Increased positive feelings about physical aging and what it means to age.

  • Belonging, support, understanding, celebration and wider resources as part of a long-term sisterhood community.

“Every day I notice how much this program has emboldened me! This has been a portal to enter into this next stage of life with confidence, joy and empowerment. Each week I have connected more deeply with my power and ability to actualize my truest, deepest dreams. This is one of the gifts of growing older, and this program faclitates that journey.” - Jen G.

Boldest Life Initiation is for you if…

  • You are in your 40’s or 50’s and experiencing physical perimenopause changes, or recently reached menopause.

  • You desire to create a next chapter that is fiercely true to you, or to even completely upheave or reinvent your life.

  • You want to claim more inner power - it has been welling up and you want to OWN it.

  • You understand that aging can be beautiful but you don’t yet feel that on a deep level in your bones - and you want to.

  • You are passionate, driven and growth-oriented.

  • You welcome the synergy of a group context.

The key that makes this program so potent…

We're activating your Boldest Babe Power.

You’re not just imagining that there is “something more”.

During this time of life, there is a bolder version of you that wells up and calls you to follow her lead.

She is the culmination of all your lived years, wisdom and experiences.

She is activated by the background awareness that you only have so many more decades in this lifetime.

She has no energy or interest for bulls#!t or anything that isn’t truly aligned.

She is your FULL POWER.

Your Boldest Babe self knows your truest next chapter.

Our video calls, activities, rituals and modern ceremonies guide you to fully stand in this knowing so that you are clear about who you are, what you want and the next steps that truly turn you on.

You’ve likely already been feeling this power welling up within you.

During the program, you will claim it.

It is this power that will give you the audacity to live the second half of life that you truly want to live.

Here’s How Boldest Life Initiation Works

It’s A Modern-Day Rite Of Passage To Transform You

Journey Menopause As A Rite Of Passage And Doors Will Open

Throughout human history…

Rites of passage have been held as a courageous time, a hero’s journey when you shift from one phase of life to the next, and at journey’s end you are celebrated, honored and respected.

Recognize your peri and post menopause years as a rite of passage, and everything makes so much more sense.

For instance, with every rite of passage there is the in-between phase, also known as the liminal phase. It’s a time rich with trials, discovery and defining questions which activate and strengthen a deeper power brewing within.

Perimenopause - the years leading up to menopause - provides each of us with our own unique cocktail of just such trials like:

  • Our bodies changing

  • Children leaving the nest

  • Career shifts

  • Aging parents needing care

  • Geographical moves

  • Elders or maybe even peers passing on

  • And more

For many, a deep questioning kicks in - “What have I been doing with my life? Is this how I want to spend it? How do I feel about the choices I’ve made? Where am I headed now?” The foundation moves and everything looks different. 

These modern-day “trials” awaken and create opportunities to strengthen your Boldest Babe power, wisdom and insight as you navigate the journey.

So that’s what the initiation is about - providing you with everything you need to anchor in your Boldest Babe power so that it becomes the new center from which you vision your life and take action.

This is when it gets really good.

This is when you tap into the sovereignty to let yourself see “this is what I really want”, the daring to claim it and the audacity and grace to bring it to fruition.

Everything that we do in the program is guiding you to claim this deeper power and this bolder, truer life. You enter as you are now and you emerge transformed.

Read on to learn how it all works. Can’t wait to show you how and to make the journey with you!

The 4 Program Elements

  • 5 Rite Of Passage Gateways

    A gateway is a teaching, group activities, then a ceremony. Gateways are experiential and fun, while at the same time transformative and sacred. We’ll journey through five of them which you can read more about below.

    The gateways cause you to claim your Boldest Babe power, then envision and activate the second half of life that you are truly here to create.

  • Ceremony

    Half the sessions in our program are ceremonies. Ceremony is a potent mechanism to embody lessons learned, shifts made and visions to fulfill.

    The word “ceremony” can be associated with the mystical or untouchable, but really it is a simple tool that is natural and accessible to every human. The power is in the use of symbol which activates a deep, visceral shift. It’s the difference between understanding something in your mind vs feeling it deeply in your cells and bones and soul.

  • Boldest Life Activity Kits

    You’ll receive a fun box in the mail filled with Boldest Life Activity Kits for each week of the program. Each Kit is wrapped so what’s inside is a surprise.

    Open one up before each session to discover new tools and gifts to use during our ceremony or group activities that day.

    These are timeless tool kits, so they are not only good for our sessions, you’ll continue to use them as you grow and evolve over the years to come.

  • Sisterhood

    You will make this passage with fellow kindred-spirit soul sisters who are each focused , just like you, on claiming their Boldest Babe power and reinventing into their boldest, truest, most unbridled-alive second half of life.

    You will be connected during our weekly video sessions and in our private online community, the Band Of Babes, where you’ll deepen the aha moments and forward movement while you witness, affirm, support and celebrate together.

The 12 Transformative Live Sessions

Gateway 1: Filling Up

Sessions One & Two

  • Anchor in your most enlivened, resourced state of well-being.

  • Recognize and honor ALL of who you are - your beauties, your foibles, your strengths, your imperfections. This sets the stage for full Boldest Babe power.

  • Experience a catalyzing group ceremony to officially step into our menopause rite of passage journey.

Gateway 2: Letting Go

Sessions Three & Four

  • Discover how to productively feel grief and other emotions around what’s changing and what you’re letting go of as you shift from the first half of your life to the second. This moves you forward out of “stuckness” or hesitation.

  • Identify your unique midlife Grief Milestones.

  • Befriend grieving as a powerful hero’s journey tool, rather than something to avoid.

  • Experience a nurturing group ceremony to honor what we are leaving behind so that we can step into all that we are becoming and our awakening Boldest Babe power.

Gateway 3: Claiming Superpowers

Sessions Five & Six

  • On the flip side of loss, recognize all that you have gained. Decades of being alive has earned you potent wisdom, skills and superpowers.

  • Activate your inner Boldest Babe power with the recognition of these gifts, then take ownership of them as assets that you bring with you into the second half of life.

  • Experience a grounding group ceremony to claim your gifts, root deeply into them and unlock more knowledge about their power as you prepare to create what’s next on your horizon.

Gateway 4: Dissolving Obstacles

Sessions Seven & Eight

  • Discover the power in naming the challenges of your menopause years - physical, emotional, logistical or a combo.

  • Rather than pressure to “fix” these challenges, recognize them as expected rite of passage trials to activate even more strength & power within - to ignite into action your inner Boldest Babe power.

  • Experience a cathartic group ceremony to access your Boldest Babe wisdom for insights and empowered action regarding named challenges.

Gateway 5: Activating Legacy

Sessions Nine & Ten

  • Having passed through four preparatory gateways, you are ready to design the second half of your life.

  • Discover what you want to create moving forward, where are you headed, the legacy you want to leave.

  • Map your most unbridled dreams and visions, guided by Boldest Babe wisdom and daring.

  • Experience an emboldening group ceremony to own the life design that is clear to you, and to activate next steps as your map continues to unfold.


Session 11: Amping Up Power

  • Deeply nurture and embolden your awakened power to take confident next steps for what you want to create and experience next.

  • Group mini ceremonies and rituals to further your access comfortability with this boldest, fiercest, truest self.

  • So often we feel like our power might scare or repel others, so we dumb it down. This session says, “Welcome, welcome, welcome!!”

Session 12: Stepping Into Your Boldest Life

  • Galvanizing group ceremony to stand in the full sovereignty of your Boldest Babe power.

  • Stand unwaveringly in what you are creating moving forward and the power within that is already making it happen.

  • Honor yourself and be celebrated by the group as you officially step into your legacy-leaving second half of life.

You know those older women who have that sparkle in their eyes and that compelling something about them that is so potent, alive and beautiful?

That is who you are becoming on the other side of this passage. That’s what happens when you Free Your Menopause.

Meet Your Rite of Passage Guide

About Lisa Hunter

Hi there, I’m Lisa Hunter and I’m the founder of Free Your Menopause. I’m 53 and nearing the end of my perimenopause journey. As I’ve made this journey, I’ve had gnarly physical perimenopause challenges, questioning of my life direction and an ultimate redefine of my life path.

My expertise is rite of passage, and everything changed for the better when I recognized that menopause itself is a rite of passage - a window of time to transform and get clear on what I’m creating next.

The moment that I tapped into my own Boldest Babe Power, I cannot describe how electrified I felt to put a name to this next level of power welling up, then live by it. I am so excited to share this process with you.


I am trained as an Interspiritual Minister, which means that I believe that there are as many recipes for spirituality as there are people in the world. My programs support meaning-making for each individual in their unique style, rather than via dogma or rigid belief systems. I graduated in 1992 with a B.A. from the University of Michigan and in 2013 from two-year seminary at One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York.


I first fell in love with rites of passage as a full-time wedding officiant and have facilitated more than 700 couples on the journey from engagement to marriage.

My even deeper love though, is helping women to empower themselves during significant life transitions - I’ve facilitated transformational rite of passage body image groups for teenage girls, women’s circles for first-time business owners, and most recently these Real Beauty Menopause programs.

All in all, I’ve guided over 10,000 hours of spiritual inquiry, ceremony and rite of passage for the beautiful humans that I’ve had the honor of working with over the years. I’m so glad that you found Free Your Menopause and I look forward to walking this path with you!

Boldest Truest Life: One-On-One Session

As a program participant, you will receive a one-on-one boldest life activation session with Lisa as you begin!

How The 12-Week Program Rolls Out

1. Have Your One-On-One Session With Lisa

  • A private hour-long session with Lisa as the 12 weeks begin. The session focus is to begin to recognize your unique flavor of Boldest Babe power, preparing you to step fully into your boldest, truest life.

2. Receive Your Boldest Life Activity Kits In The Mail

  • You’ll receive the coolest box of goodies with a gift to open each week that includes tools to use during that week’s session. This means that you’ll have everything you’ll need right there in the kit! Plus what fun to get actual real-life things in the mail these days rather than just videos and PDFs ;)

3. Attend The Group Zoom Calls

  • Each video session is 2 hours and includes transformative activities and/or dropping into ceremony.

  • The sessions are engaging, practical and implementable, as well as vulnerable, beautiful, and profound.

  • Every session is recorded, but you definitely want to prioritize attending live.

  • Group pods have 12 participants max, which brings many perspectives and experiences, while being small enough to have safety, vulnerability and for each woman to feel truly known.

  • Pod start time and dates:

    • We’ll update this page when registration for the next 12-week program opens either in Summer or Fall ‘24.

4. Weekly Boldest Life Activation Modules

  • Each week receive a core teaching in a short, easy-to-digest video and PDF. This is a fun and simple way to prep for each session.

  • Weekly solo prep is around 15 minutes so it’s simple to work into your schedule.

5. Weekly Sister Pod Reflection

  • You and your fellow program mates will have your own pod in the Band Of Babes online community. After each session, there will be a reflection thread to integrate the most recent session, and to connect.

  • Set aside minimum 10 minutes per week to post your check-in on the sister thread.


Summer Retreat

Beautiful Sisterhood Immersion Event

Join Us For Summer Transformation!

As a Boldest Life Initiation participant, you’ll receive a complimentary ticket to the big yearly event where we all come together for a full-day retreat at a beautiful nature space to connect, lift ourselves up around peri/menopause and deepen the anchor into our boldest truest lives.

Meet your sister pod in person, plus participants from other pods too. It’s optional to come, but oh babe, we really want you there.

It’ll be in Boulder, CO USA. $600 value.

More Bonuses:

Menopause Symptoms Empowerment Tools

Stay resourced during the physical challenges

Menopause Symptoms Empowerment Call

Live group call to do the three-step technique in our Menopause Power Tool video series. Equip yourself emotionally to navigate physical menopause challenges with grace and ease.

The video module guides you in the 3 easy steps to orient internally so that you are best equipped to address whatever physical challenge is rearing its head.

If you already have the tool or if this is your first time using it, this live group call will take it to the next level.

Menopause Solutions Community Threads

Access to threads in the larger private Band Of Babes community to share and compare physical and emotional peri/menopause solutions that have worked for each of us, and we’re not dainty about it - the good, the bad, the ugly. Crappy moods, triumphant moods. Vaginas. Bodily fluids. It’s all fair game ;)

In a time when even your doctor may not know about the best menopause information, this on-the ground sharing from our real-life experiences is empowering and invaluable. $95 Value.

Now Is The Time

If you are in your 40’s or 50’s, experiencing body changes and also feeling a deep call to uplevel your life, now is the time to take advantage of this powerful rite of passage window for transformation.

You are on fertile ground and this is your moment to seize the day. Emerge in your full Empress power - clear about who you are, what you truly want for your legacy years, emboldened and making it happen.

Sound good? Please join us!

  • If you’re ready to join us, we’re honored to have you on the journey.

  • Review the summary below, then click to get on the list for early bird notification before registration opens.

  • If you have a question, use the form at the bottom of the page. 

Boldest Life Initiation Summary

Mondays starting March 4th, 2024

11p PT / 2p ET / 7p GMT

  • 12 Boldest Life Zoom Calls

    12 live video sessions with transformative group activities, ceremonies and sisterhood. This is where the action happens! All sessions are recorded.

  • 12 Boldest Life Activity Kits

    A box of super cool goodies will arrive in the mail with a gift to open each week that includes tools to use during that week’s session.

  • 12 Boldest Life Activation Modules

    Weekly video module and guidebook to continually strengthen your Boldest Babe power and claim your boldest most wildly fulfilling life.

  • Boldest Life Session W/Lisa

    A private hour-long session with Lisa before the 12 weeks begin. The session focus is to begin to recognize your unique flavor of Boldest Babe power to design your second half of life.

  • Band Of Babes: Sister Pod

    Online community membership pod with your program mates. The weekly thread keeps you in touch between calls to strengthen bonds, catalyze aha’s and take inspired action.

Fab Bonuses

  • Event Ticket to our In-Person Summer Retreat

    The big yearly event where we all come together at a beautiful nature retreat space in Boulder, CO to connect, lift ourselves up around peri/menopause and deepen the anchor into our boldest truest lives.

  • Menopause Symptoms Empowerment Call

    Live group call to do the three-step technique in the Menopause Power Tool video series. Equip yourself emotionally to navigate physical menopause challenges with grace and ease.

  • Menopause Solutions Community Threads

    Access to threads in the larger private Band Of Babes community to share and compare physical and emotional peri/menopause solutions that have worked for each of us, and we’re not dainty about it - the good, the bad, the ugly. Crappy moods, triumphant moods. Bodily fluids. It’s all fair game ;)

Next program start date is Summer or Fall 2024

Live a second half of life designed so that every single aspect of it truly turns you on.

Feel confident that when you’re 80 you’ll look back and feel wildly fulfilled.

Enjoy the power, sovereignty, grace and beauty that can only come with age.

$2475 Program Fee



1 Payment

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3 Payments

“Lisa Hunter is the go-to person for supporting women in this stage of life. She will make you feel like a badass, as opposed to what parts of society say we should feel like. 

She will help you awaken your inner wise woman goddess within and make you feel more powerful AF than you ever imagined you would when others say it's time to be put out to pasture.

Her work goes straight to the very core of untrue beliefs about menopause, what it means, and who we are as women in this phase of life.  And how to turn that shit around and develop the things you need to survive AND thrive in this stage of life!” - Angela H.

  • If you don’t like the program after attending the first group session, you can request and receive a refund of the full tuition less a $50 processing fee. Your request must be made within 48 hours of the end of the first group session. After that, the tuition is non-refundable.

  • If you need to cancel before the program begins, you will receive a refund of the full tuition less a $50 processing fee.

Want to message a question about Boldest Life Initiation?

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