Reinvention Circles

Next online circle is summer/fall ‘24 date to be announced.

Attend an online Reinvention Circle to…

Say YES to the call to reinvent or make big life changes.

Use the synergistic power of a sister circle to not only say yes to the call to reinvent, but to really step in.

Did you know?

A deeper power awakens during your peri/menopause years, which causes the desire for CHANGE.

Welcome to Reinvention Circles

Say YES to that brewing desire for big life change, then step in.

Dare To Validate

Experience a group activity to validate the desire for change as a normal and healthy response to peri/menopause and being at the threshold of the second half of your life.

Dare To Speak It

Speak out loud, with kindred spirit witnesses, this desire for change that won’t let you go, thus activating the tremendous power under that desire. We call this your Boldest Babe power.

Dare To Step In

Discover your readiness to step in to your reinvention, then be catalyzed to take the next step that you’re ready for while also learning to neutralize the most common roadblocks that get in the way.

Attend a circle to experience…

  • A safe space to allow yourself to recognize, rather than push down, this calling to reinvent.

  • The joy and relief of finally allowing these desires.

  • The power and energy that frees up once you are no longer holding them back.

  • Clarity about which desires simply needed to be expressed and which desires are for follow through.

  • Your next potent step to move forward, however big or small.

  • The audacity to take that step ;)

  • Tools to counter the Backlash Effect which stop you after you’ve said yes to change.

  • The Catalyst Effect of a circle of sisters on the same transformational path.


A Reinvention Circle is not a “talk circle”. Instead, we’ll do activities, modern ritual and ceremony to honor this potent time in our lives, and to facilitate the seedling vision for the second half of your life to emerge into a sacred space focused on nurture and the spark of activation.

You can do this kind of work alone, but there is no comparison to the power of doing it in circle with kindred spirits on the same path!

A Love Letter To You From Your Facilitator

Hi, I’m Lisa Hunter.

I’m 53, I’m in the heart of my peri/menopause journey, and I’m an Interspiritual Minister with a big passion for ceremony, sister circles and rite of passage.

I’ve also unwittingly become an expert at life reinvention - the outcome of not being able to stand not living in truth, whatever that happens to be at the time.

As a result, over the past four decades I’ve been… an environmental educator in Yosemite National Park… a performing singer-songwriter with songs on the Disney and Discovery channels plus performances on some really big stages, like opening up for Eminem… a trainer for probation officers, teaching them life coaching skills… and for the ten years I’ve had the joy of facilitating rite of passage and wedding ceremony for over 700 spiritual-but-not-religious couples. All of these successful businesses. I shifted to each when it was time. I have had such a fulfilling life as a result.

Because of the nature of my journey, I know the joys of reinvention and I also know the challenges: The first budding urges to make big change, while at the same time trying to stuff those urges down because it can be scary to upset the status quo. I know the courage that it takes to finally admit that something deep within is ready to shift. I know the simultaneous excitement and uncertainty of one foot in the life you’ve been living, while the other foot is stepping into your next evolution.

And I know how to break through all that. I’m here to guide you and show you how.

Your peri/menopause years are a potent window for transformation and change. There is a deeper power emerging, buoyed up by all of the life experience and wisdom that we carry, plus our changing bodies make it apparent that it really matters how we spend our time while we’ve still got it.

I can’t wait to support your reinvention into the second half of your life. I’ve got you!

Love, Lisa

Free up the energy it takes to hold back change.

Bypass the midlife crisis.

Use that energy for your next life chapter instead.

Reinvention Circle Schedule & Tickets

Next Reinvention Circle:
Late summer/fall to be announced.

Time: 11a PT / 2p ET / 7p GMT

Length: 1.5 hours

Where: Zoom Online Worldwide.

Details: After you register, you’ll receive easy instructions to join us in the Zoom room, and a list of a few simple items to have with you. Excited that you will join us!

Circle Registration: $97

When the next Reinvention Circle is scheduled, working button to purchase your ticket will appear. You’ll receive all details in a confirmation email.

Got Questions?

Ask a Reinvention Circle question here.

All questions are welcome - ask away!