Global SHIFT Event & Summit

Next Event is Summer or Fall 2024 Zoom ONLINE

At the SHIFT Event & Summit, you will…

ONE: Shift out of negative beliefs about menopause & aging in the culture and within yourself.

TWO: Shift into the deeper level of power that awakens during peri and post menopause to take action for your boldest, truest second half of life.

All Ages Welcome!

The SHIFT Event & Summit focuses on peri and post menopausal women, but all women can play a role as we shift beliefs about menopause & aging.


Because derogatory cultural beliefs and messages about menopause and aging subtly (or not so subtly) drain our energy and undermine our power.

On the other hand, when we feel amazing from the inside out, we are bolder to make our dreams come true.

Even if you intellectually know that the following statements are not true, notice how they can infiltrate your thoughts and show up subtly yet potently in the background noise of living in our world…

“To age is to become invisible and irrelevant.”

“Youth is desirable, aging is not.”

“Some bodies are beautiful and some bodies are not.”

“Aging is ugly.”

“Menopause, ew, we don’t want to hear about that.”

And there are so many more…

It’s time to leave these bad boys behind!

How the Global Menopause SHIFT Event & Summit works…

1) Live Kickoff Event

First we’ll shift a Target Belief in ourselves and in the world.

Free Your Menopause founder Lisa Hunter will facilitate the entire group of women in a modern ceremony to defuse a tired old derogatory belief (untruth) about aging and menopause, then infuse a new belief (the truth).

Because we are doing ceremony, SHIFT Events aren’t just the typical intellectual “I release this belief” on the level of the mind. Instead we will feel the shift much more deeply - in our cells and in our bones.

Next, you’ll launch one action step for your bolder, truer life.

Having freed yourself from the grip of the limiting Target Belief, you’ll be more able to feel the deeper power that awakens during peri and post menopause and guides you to your most wildly fulfilled life. We’ll do an activity during the kickoff event to launch your next step with inner fire. Plus, women who are not currently in peri or post menopause will play a fabulous supporting role.

2) Summit Portal Workshops

Solidify your shift with a team of amazing women leaders.

After the kickoff event, you’ll have access to a portal with powerful video workshops from a team of expert facilitators gathered for each SHIFT Event. Each leader rocks a particular skill to help you anchor the shift even more deeply and permanently in your body, mind and soul, and to strengthen the power awakening within you at this time in life. We’re not messing around! You can scroll below to see our team of amazing women leaders from the most recent event and summit back in February 2024.

3) The power of sisterhood.

We will create an incredible collective synergy during the kickoff event and in the summit workshops in the portal. This will send ripples of change out into our daily lives and the world in general. When we claim power and shift out of negative cultural attitudes, it’s good for us as individuals AND we contribute to a larger systemic shift. The more we do it and the more of us doing it, the more we feed the change. So bring your friends!

2024 Global Menopause SHIFT Event & Summit Free Tickets

Next Event & Summit is Summer or Fall 2024

This Summit’s Target Belief To Shift:

”To age is to become undesirable”

It’s everywhere, right? Subtle and not-so-subtle cultural messages that to look your age at midlife and beyond is not what we want to see. Anti-aging advertisements are a great example. God forbid we start looking “old”. Because who wants to see that. And then we become invisible.

Even if we know intellectually that all of the above is a load of crap, that dominant cultural message is still affecting us, tamping down energy that would otherwise shine. What if the dominant message was to celebrate gray hair… and wrinkles… and the changes that are naturally happening in our bodies? What if the dominant messages supported us to feel 100% celebratory about these changes within ourselves?

During the kickoff event and summit workshops, we will send a blast of collective energy into that tired, out-of-date mainstream paradigm to shift it into what each of us believes to be more true, plus we’ll roto-root out any places within ourselves where we are still buying into it. Ladies, let’s do this thing!

Summit Ticket Is Free.

You’ll receive our Reinvention Kit too.

2-Hour Summit Kickoff Event:

Next one is Summer or Fall 2024 Zoom Online. Sign up now and you’ll receive a ticket as the next summit approaches.

Summit Recorded Workshops:

In the Online Portal.

Check your spam if you don’t see a confirmation in your in-box…

Your Host

  • Lisa Hunter

    Founder - Free Your Menopause

    “I’ll lead the kickoff event - a powerful ceremony to ditch the negative beliefs, claim deeper power and take our next bold life steps. As an Interspiritual Minister and rite of passage expert, I have an inner fire to shift cultural menopause paradigms from derogatory to celebratory. This frees up the power that awakens during our perimenopause years- just think how the world will change with every one of us in our unrestrained, unbridled power.” Read more about Lisa.

And our Amazing Team of Leaders from the most recent February 2024 Global Menopause SHIFT Event & Summit

  • Tanya Lynn

    Visionary founder of Sistership Circle to grow sister circles worldwide.

  • Petra Coveney

    Founder of Menopause Yoga™ for peri to post menopause support.

  • Tirra Hargrow

    Tirra is a spiritual guide & astrologer dedicated to women’s empowerment.

  • Shanti Medina

    Shanti empowers women to live a life of embodied radiance.

  • Vickie Gould

    Sound and Energy Healer, Owner of Life Changing Energy.

  • Bernadette Pleasant

    Passionate visionary inspiring positive change through emotional liberation.

  • Pamela Madsen

    Founder of Back to the Body™ Sensuous Retreats for Women.

  • Toni Bergins

    Founder of Journeydance®. Author of EMBODY: Feel Heal & Transform Your Life.

  • Antoinette Yarrow

    Clinical herbalist for hormonal imbalances, anxiety, sexual trauma, and libido support.

  • Karla Lightfoot

    Karla co-creates ease and joy with feminine beings and bodies around the globe!

  • Deborah Fryer, PhD

    Money mindset coach and creator of the Anatomy of Money™ for wealth & wellbeing.

  • Sylvia Morrison

    Sylvia helps you design and manifest a life in harmony with your Soul’s purpose.

  • Join in this powerful event!

    It’s time to shift negative beliefs about menopause & aging in our culture and in our selves.

  • Get your free ticket now.

    Fill out the signup form and we’ll send you all the juicy details.

  • Tell one or two or 10 friends.

    The more women shifting negative beliefs, the less they affect us.

  • And then tell a few more!

    When new beliefs become norms, oh the freedom to create our wildest dreams.

“I came away with more confidence and a reminder that I have a lot of gifts and wisdom to bring forth. And also to love my aging changing body, it felt so good to be with other women in the same place in their lives since so far I’ve felt mostly alone.” - Beth E.

“I loved the event! It was full of passion and started many conversations. This transition is hard for some of us, but knowing we can make it a win makes it much easier to swallow!” - Billie P.