Yes Menopause!

The must-do metamorphosis for women in peri or post menopause.

Step into the 2nd half of life with power, clarity of purpose and a kick-ass map of your legacy years to come.

4-Session Voyage

Midlife self-confidence skyrockets.

Challenges become opportunities, then gifts.

Stuck-ness or feeling lost transforms to activation.

Inner power soars.

Life purpose becomes clear.

And you have the audacity to run with it.

4 life-changing online sessions with a remarkable group of women just like you.

“Every day I notice how much this program has emboldened me! This has been a portal to enter into this next stage of life with confidence, joy and empowerment. Each week I have connected more deeply with my power and ability to actualize my truest, deepest dreams. This is one of the gifts of growing older, and this program faclitates that journey.” - Jen G.

Yes Menopause! is for you if…

  • You’re in your 40’s, 50’s or 60’s and experiencing physical perimenopause changes, or have reached menopause.

  • You understand aging can be beautiful but you don’t yet feel that on a deep level in your bones - and you want to.

  • You’ve been navigating some challenging changes, like with family, career, body, sex, relationships, loss or bad menopause symptoms.

  • You may even be feeling stuck or lost or an urge for big change - like something new is next but you’re not sure what.

  • Or, you’ve got a really clear “I’m reinventing my life” vision but it’s rather daunting to embark on such a significant change.

  • You want to claim more inner power - it’s been welling up and you want to OWN it. 

  • You are passionate, driven and growth-oriented. 

  • You sense that being in a group of similarly-aged women journeying through the same kinds of changes would be really helpful right now.

No one thinks menopause and says “Yes!”

But we do…

And that’s not from some pollyanna attitude.

Because we all know that menopause does suck in so many ways.

Things are starting to sag, there is new fat in places you never would have imagined.

The list of heinous menopause symptoms is endless and it’s likely you’ve got one or two or ten of them.

Vaginas can dry up or become temperamental. What the?? As if aging wasn’t enough!

Not to mention the vibe in our culture of what this physical shift means - that you can no longer be sexy or desirable, that you are becoming irrelevant and invisible. (And ahem, Free Your Menopause is all about changing that).

The same is true of midlife.

We’re no longer young, but we’re not OLD, but we still feel young.

Lol if that isn’t a mind-bender, I don’t know what is.

And SO many challenges crop up as we head into our 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.

Maybe it’s children leaving the nest.

Or you’re coming to terms with never having had them.

Maybe it’s aging parents needing care.

Or a career shift. Or…

Feeling stuck or a lost sense of purpose.

Changing relationship to sex.

Body image.

Body function.

Divorce, dating or changing relationship to your partner.

A shift in who your friends are.

The urge for big change or reinvention.

Aware that, whoa… you’ve only got so many decades left.

Giving less f--ks but still adjusting to your more brazen attitude.

And the list goes on.

The key that turns all of this around and makes our yes a resounding “Hell yes!”

We’re crossing the midlife threshold together

Our menopause years are a rite of passage.

A shift into a new stage of life.

It’s prime ground to get stuck or feel lost because so much is changing in our bodies and also in how we relate to our families, our work, our primary relationships and our sense of purpose.

Most women in our culture just muddle through these years feeling awkward and in-between, or even in crisis, but not really knowing the cause or what to do about it.

Good news is there’s a much better (and much more fun) way to do it.

And that’s where rite of passage comes in:

  • We gather together as women experiencing the same big life phase transition.

  • We consciously recognize and honor all that we have been.

  • Even though there’s a lot of joy, we also allow grief around the changes and losses as we age.

  • We claim the deeper level of power that is awakening because of all that life experience.

  • We recognize our rite of passage trials (whatever challenges that are happening for each of us right now) as gifts that are evoking strengths within that are the exact strengths needed to create our wildly fulfilling second half of life.

  • We dream, map and activate that wildly fulfilling second half of life.

  • We officially cross the threshold together, having fully honored the first half of life so that we are able to fully step into the second.

We’ll Do This In Just 4 Sessions

  • Session 1: Honoring All That We Have Been

    Fully honor the 1st half of your life.
    It is only then that you can fully step into the 2nd.

    We’ll recognize and honor ALL of who we have been in the first half of our lives - our beauties, our foibles, our strengths, our imperfections, our trials and our triumphs.

    We’ll also allow grief and sadness for the things and situations that are changing as we age, that are not easy to just let go of.

    This session’s activities will give you a surprising perspective on your earlier decades, and you’ll identify the three core insights from your life thus far that will be your Three Guiding Touchstones - guiding principles in your life moving forward. We’ll also do a beautiful ritual for letting go, then a catalyzing group ceremony to officially step into our menopause rite of passage journey.

  • Session 2: Claiming Bigger Power Arising Within

    Harness your awakening bigger power, born from so much life experience.

    You’ve been feeling this power welling up within, but it’s only when you officially name and claim it that it expands and impacts your next steps in life.

    We welcome your bigger power, whether it’s subtle yet potent… or all the way to audacious and outrageous… or anything in between depending on your style. We call this power your Boldest Babe.

    This session’s activities awaken and spark each of us into a level of power that we never thought we’d claim, and perhaps didn’t even know was there brewing just under the surface. Our ceremony will lock that power in so that you use its potency to create your most wildly-fulfilling second half of life.

  • Session 3: Getting The Gifts From The Challenges

    Discover your One Key (And Hidden) Quality that unlocks your most wildly fulfilled 2nd half of life.

    When you recognize menopause as a rite of passage journey, your midlife trials & challenges take on a positive meaning.

    In any rite of passage, the heroine is faced with challenges specifically designed to hone and awaken the qualities needed for the most successful version of her next life phase. In Yes Menopause, we trust that your physical menopause challenges and various midlife trials are exactly the ones that you need to awaken your Most Important Key Quality to fulfill your most wildly fulfilled 2nd half of life. You’ll discover that Key Quality during this session.

    This session’s activities stir within each of us the very thing that is longing to wake up, then anchor us into that quality, ready for action. Then the ceremony creates community witness so not only you, but others can hold you to the quality that is most key to the second half of your life.

  • Session 4: Activating Wildly-Fulfilling Legacy Maps

    See clearly what you are up to next, and map it for action.

    The reason so many women get stuck in midlife is because they don’t do what we do in the first three sessions.

    But not you! Doors within you will open and you will see what is key to have experienced in order to feel wildly fulfilled when you look back on your life when you’re 80. We welcome it all - from quiet, beautiful maps to adventurous, unrestrained and maybe even “inappropriate” maps. You let it fly, sister!

    This session’s activities stir up what we reeeeeallllly WANT, not surface wants or what we think we should want. Get ready to surprise yourself in the most delicious way ;)

    The ceremony guides us to visually map these wildest desires into your Wildly-Fulfilling Legacy Map, then we officially cross the threshold together, from the first half of our lives into the next adventure of the 2nd.

Experience peri and post menopause as the transformational heroine’s journey that it truly is.

Embrace the 2nd half of life so passionately that you fall in love with aging.

Your Guide Lisa Hunter: On Sisterhood

Lisa Hunter On Sisterhood

Hi there, I’m Lisa Hunter and I’m the founder of Free Your Menopause. I’m 53, an Interspiritual Minister specializing in rite of passage (you can read more about me here), and I’m nearing the end of my peri-menopause journey. As I’ve made this journey, I’ve had gnarly physical menopause challenges, questioning of my life direction and an ultimate redefine of my life path.

I’m no stranger to personal growth, and when I recognized the menopause transition as a rite of passage, I applied my own expertise to my transformation process and tried to come to terms with all these big life changes on my own. I also started facilitating groups of peri and post menopause women to do the same.

I can’t say enough about the difference it made to officially shift from first to second half of life with a group of similarly-aged women! I could see what to do on my own, but being among kindred spirits, all understanding each other because we are all navigating the same kinds of changes - just WOW.

The women in my groups feel profoundly held, witnessed, loved and understood, not to mention we spark and activate each other with our humor, playfulness, bravery and vulnerability.

There is no better healing balm than feeling like you’re part of something bigger when you’re going through a significant change. And you ARE part of something bigger! All of us Gen Xers are dealing with this life transition right now, and some of the later Baby Boomers too. We must gather!

I highly recommend that you join in. You can do the midlife transition on your own, but nothing nothing nothing compares to doing it in sisterhood.

Before Yes Menopause I felt mostly alone, so it felt so good to be with other women in the same place in life. It was a reminder - oh wow I have a lot to give and seeing that other women have a lot to give - we have a lot of wisdom to give the world and each other. I came away with confidence and also a lot more love for my aging changing body.” - Beth E.

Our 4-Session Voyage Rolls Out Like This…

1. The First Zoom Session is June 6th, 2024 at 11a Pacific / 2p Eastern / 6p GMT

NOTE: If you really want to attend but can’t make the above time, send a message to let me know - if there are enough women who need a different time, we can always start an additional group pod :)

  • The four sessions dates are: June 6th, June 13th, June 20th and June 27th, all at the same start time.

  • Each session is two hours and recorded for replay.

  • It’s all on Zoom so attend from anywhere in the world. We are a global sisterhood!

2. Activation Modules

  • Each week receive a core teaching in a 5-minute, easy-to-digest video and PDF.

  • Weekly solo prep is a mere 10 minutes so it’s simple to work into your schedule.

3. Community Pod

  • After each session, there will be a simple question thread in our private online community to connect with one another and integrate that week’s session.

  • Plan on 5 minutes after each session to post your check-in. You can spend more time interacting on the threads if you like, but that is not required.

4. Each Session…

  • Includes transformative activities and modern ceremonies that create the powerful shift from the first half of life to a wildly fulfilling second.

  • Is engaging, practical and implementable, as well as vulnerable, beautiful, and profound.

  • Is supported by group agreements to honor different perspectives and experiences, while maintaining safety, vulnerability and for each woman to feel truly known.

You Also Get The Following Bonuses…

BONUS 1: In-Person Summer Retreat

Join Us For Summer Transformation!

As a Yes Menopause participant, you’ll receive a complimentary ticket to the Free Your Menopause yearly full-day retreat at a beautiful nature space in Boulder, CO. The photo above is a shot from a Free Your Menopause event in the gorgeous indoor facility on the wild land where we’ll have the retreat. We’ll connect, lift ourselves up, deepen our power and celebrate our peri and post menopause transformational heroine’s journeys.

Meet your program sisters in-person, plus sisters from other Free Your Menopause programs too. Your event ticket is covered, you just need to take care of food and lodging. It’s optional to come, but oh babe, we really want you there :)

BONUS 2: Menopause Symptoms Power Tool

Menopause Symptoms Power Tool

Bonus Live Group Call to do the three-step Menopause Power Tool technique. Equip yourself emotionally to navigate even your worst physical menopause challenges with ease & empowerment rather than defeat.

Live Call Date to be announced. You can attend live or watch the replay!

Yes Menopause!


Thursdays starting

June 6th, 2024

  • 4 Yes Menopause! Live Sessions

    4 live Zoom video sessions with transformative group activities, ceremonies and sisterhood. This is where the action happens! All sessions are recorded.

  • 4 Yes Menopause! Activity Modules

    4 five-minute, easy-to-digest video modules with core teachingsto deepen your experience of each week’s session.

  • Sisterhood Pod

    Weekly question thread in our private online community to connect, strengthen bonds, catalyze aha’s and take inspired action.

Sessions Dates: June 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th

11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm Eastern / 6:00 pm GMT

NOTE: If you really want to attend but can’t make the above time, send a message to let me know - if there are enough women who need a different time, we can always start an additional group pod :)

Fab Bonuses

  • Event Ticket To Our In-Person Summer Retreat

    The yearly event where we all come together at a beautiful nature retreat space in Boulder, CO to connect, lift ourselves up, deepen our power and celebrate our peri and post menopause transformational heroine’s journeys ($600 value)

  • Menopause Symptoms Power Tool

    Bonus Live Group Call to do the three-step Menopause Power Tool technique. Equip yourself emotionally to navigate even your worst physical menopause challenges with ease & empowerment rather than defeat. Replay available too ($97 value)

The Ultimate Program For Midlife Badassery

Midlife self-confidence skyrockets.

Challenges become opportunities, then gifts.

Stuck-ness or feeling lost transforms to activation.

Inner power soars.

Life purpose becomes clear.

And you have the audacity to run with it.

Starts June 6th.

Signup by midnight your time, June 4th.


Note: You’ll receive some simple course materials as digital downloads and you’ll need a printer to print them out. Or if you don’t have a printer, you can substitute with plain paper & colored markers/pencils.

“I’m more spontaneous in saying what I’m thinking now. Because there’s always been a routine of I’m thinking something and I can say it, but there’s a pause in between to decide should I say it. And now I’m more spontaneous because the group has given me a place to really be myself.- Maureen W.

“I’m just so grateful to all of you, it’s hard not to get emotional. My life has shifted a lot and in such a supportive way that I can’t wait to keep moving forward. So much has rearranged to allow me to do the work that is so much bigger, and that I’ve always known I’m here to do. And although I don’t have everything planned and figured out, it’s happening and I’m just so grateful to you all for being part of this truly profound shift in my life and for walking the journey with me.- Crystal L.

“Also, I’m giving myself more permission to be even more weird! Like showing up with my clients and and groups and just giving myself more freedom to be first-thought best-thought. With my social media feeds I actually lost some followers and I’m like great see ya and that’s different for me. That’s REALLY different.” - Beth E.

“My heart feels so much support and the sweetness of having you all at my back. The change I really see in my life, a great, great thing that has shifted for me, is that I’ve opened to love in my relationship, and for me that’s, wow, that’s a very big shift. Allowing myself to trust in love. I have also started taking being in service to another level and have found a new partner to work with. I feel so full I can’t quite find the words but to keep it simple, I’m very grateful for the group and each of you.” - Eliane B.

“Lisa Hunter is the go-to person for supporting women in this stage of life. She will make you feel like a badass, as opposed to what parts of society say we should feel like. 

She will help you awaken your inner wise woman goddess within and make you feel more powerful than you ever imagined you would when others say it's time to be put out to pasture.

Her work goes straight to the very core of untrue beliefs about menopause, what it means, and who we are as women in this phase of life.  And how to turn that around and develop the things you need to survive AND thrive in this stage of life!” - Angela H.

“There’s something about learning what I call selfish but is actually just putting myself first. There’s something about needing more time for me. And it has nothing to do with anything except that my give and receive ratio, the input vs the export, there’s an imbalance there and I see now that I could stand to learn how to receive even more.  

And just knowing I have new friends in the world is very cool - who understand the importance of this journey and I have permission to be messy and to not always have it look however I was taught it was supposed to look.” - Krisha C.

“This has been a sacred circle of women strengthening and nurturing each other, and what I’ve gotten from group is the courage, confidence, love, support and inspiration to stand up and speak loud.” - Shelby M.

“Doing this group with all of you has supported that feeling of I’m just gonna be who I am, life is short, now is the time to just be myself and feel a confidence and empowerment in that. And it might be messy or turn people off - all those things I was worried about as a younger woman - but now I’m all in.” - Jen G.

  • If you don’t like the program after attending the first group session, you can request and receive a refund of the full tuition less a $25 processing fee. Your request must be made within 24 hours of the end of the first group session. After that, the tuition is non-refundable.

  • If you need to cancel before the program begins, you will receive a refund of the full tuition less a $25 processing fee.

Want to message a question about Yes Menopause?

Would love to hear from you!

Please fill out this form and you’ll receive a response shortly.

Or you’re welcome to schedule a chat with me.

Just schedule a time on my Calendly at this link here:
Lisa’s available appointment times

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Starts June 6th.

Signup by midnight your time, June 4th.


Note: You’ll receive some simple course materials as digital downloads and you’ll need a printer to print them out. Or if you don’t have a printer, you can substitute with plain paper & colored markers/pencils.